Project Communication
In the preliminary phase, we often use our experience to contribute to a project proposal. Once a project is underway, we develop communication formats and a workflow that helps shape the knowledge development process.
Insights and involvement
Good communication formats offer insight to both stakeholders and financers, allowing them to keep track of targets, activities, and results so that they can align their actions accordingly. We translate the project outputs into inspiring and recognizable products designed to get target audiences involved.
Working with formats and series makes it easier for your target audience to see your content in the bigger picture and to make connections with other information. Establishing a clear direction in the publications also provides guidelines for the various authors and organisations involved in content production.

Case Studies
In collaboration with Wageningen UR, we’ve developed a format for creating multimedial case studies. This approach is based on our fieldwork experiences and focuses on creating a mix of strong business analysis and creating empathy through personal stories, interviews, and visuals. The results are presented in an attractive magazine format, with links to video interviews and other additional materials.
We provide fieldwork services (interviews, video & photography) as well as product design.
Training and Presentation Materials
We design learning tools for trainers and trainee’s that can be used in a workshop setting, but which also support the individual reader both offline and online.
We offer multiple formats: trainer guides, trainee workbooks, PowerPoint presentations, interactive PDFs, animations, posters and banners – for maximum involvement and retention.